After a very healthy fry we headed back out. I fished for another hour with the buzzers and diawl bach on but to no success. After seeing a couple of fish rising I switched on to a CDC hares ear emerger with 6lb Airflo G3 fluorocarbon tapered down into 4lb Fulling Mill Co-polymer to help with presentation. Nothing would look at the emerger and Neil, one of Woodfords members pointed out the hatching sedge so after carefull deliberation through my dry fly box, I decided on a CDC bibio hopper, the CDC mainly because I didnt have any gink left. Cast it out and watched a couple of fish move and then a boil under the hopper, just nosing at it, I twitched it a little bit but to no avail. I decided to switch back to the buzzers/diawl bach for the last few hours before I went home. Neil had mentioned that some anglers had been using goldhead vibrators to great success on floating lines, he wanted to try it on a sinking but didnt have any, luckily I had so gave him a brown one. Id say about 10mins later BANG and he is into a fish and it jumps out the water, me and fossil looked at each other and said it looked a big fish. I grabbed the net and Michael grabbed his scales.
Neil could not do anything with the fish, line stripping off the reel soo fast the back was out on the water. After a good fight the fish made for the weeds and wedged itself under a large clump. This is wear some teamwork came in handy, as Neil tried to coax the fish out of the weed, I got into the water with the net, after about 5 mins the fish showed and he was bagged. A quick weigh of the fish said it was roughly 8lb 4oz, nice fish by any standards and fin perfect. We then found the reason why it gave such a fight and why Neil couldnt turn the head
It was foul hooked in the anal fin, is there not a rule that foul-hooked fish don't count? lol As you can see it was a whopper of a fish.
Overall it was a hard day, with few fish being caught and we all did well to catch the fish we did.
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